Here goes nothing… The start of Lisa Runs for Cupcakes

Here goes nothing…  The start of Lisa Runs for Cupcakes

The start of Lisa Runs for Cupcakes

I know that there are tons of running, fitness, and healthy living blogs out there.  But for me, a blog sounds like the perfect way to make sure that I hold myself accountable to my running and fitness goals.  I hope that this blog will light enough of a fire to keep me running.

So a little about me…
The past 18 months were a whirlwind complete with:
– the birth of a bouncing (now running) baby girl,
– 8 months of solo parenting while the hubby was deployed,
– the return of my amazing husband from his deployment,
– packing up our house and moving across the country,
– setting down new roots… again….
– and starting to reintegrate running back into my life,
– while enjoying a cupcake or two (who’s counting) along the way.

I feel like I am finally getting to a place where I am comfortable with my post-baby body, even though it is definitely a work in progress.  Ultimately, I hope that my daughter can see me as a role model for healthy living as I continue to work towards my fitness goals.


  1. […] I think I want to bring this space back to the reason I started it in the first place.  My very first post and my reasons for starting the blog are very similar to where I find myself today, just four years […]

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