Marathon Training: Week #2

As I mentioned last week, I am slowly building my mileage back up after a rocky (aka low mileage) running month in June.  I love that I am finally feeling settled into our new home and new routines with work and daycare.  That means a happy Lisa!

TUES:  4 Miles
THURS: Missed Run
SAT:  7 Miles
SUN:  9 Miles

Total:  20 Miles

I had a 4 mile speed session on the training calendar for Thursday.  If you follow me on FaceBook, I was whining that it was just one of those days.

Well, the day continued on without getting much better so I did not get my run in.  Once that happened, I decided to make the weekend a back to back session.  With back to back runs at both Hood to Coast and the Disneyland’s Dumbo Challenge, I have plans to do several weekends runs on tired legs.  
My Saturday run was very comfortable and right on target with my slower target long run pace.  
Sunday was another story! I forgot to set an alarm and woke up late.  That meant that the heat and humidity were a bit of an issue.  I could feel that my legs were tired when I got out of bed but I forced myself to get up and out.  I cover the same ground as the day prior but wanted to explore a bit of West Point.  Well, a wrong turn led me down to the dock area.  Beautiful views but that meant some SERIOUS hills to get back home.  
One thing is for sure… I am bound to become a strong runner with all the HILLS around here!  It’s kind of exciting (now that I am thinking about it post run) to incorporate so many hills into my training.  
Do you seek out hills on your runs?  Anyone else out there grossed out by the heat and humidity? 


  1. I love the "not impressed" face at the bottom of the hill. Such a beauty!!!

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