Friday Five: Fall Racing & Tough Decisions

Okay, so it is seriously time to dust off my blog.  I’m linking up with Mar, Courtney and Cynthia‘s Friday Five to give you the quick and dirty lowdown on my running life lately.  I do have full recaps coming but I thought this would give those of you still hanging around a very quick recap of my past few months of running, questioning my decision to take on a fall marathon, and what’s up next!

1.) Gulf Beach Half Marathon:  I ran my current standing PR (1:50) on this course and all summer, I was hoping to build back up to set another PR on this course.  Well, long story short, I struggled through almost the entire race.  I came in at 2:12ish.  It was a complete gut check and I felt so defeated.  At this point, I started to reconsider running the New York City Marathon.

2.)  Ragnar DC:  After a few more weeks of training and hitting some solid long runs, Ragnar DC was a blast and a half.  Even though we endured cold, wind, and rain, the event truly renewed my spirit.  I have quite the fickle relationship with running.  Despite feeling really comfortable, I still questioned my ability to run NYCM. While running the race, I spoke to a few of my friends and was still decidedly on the fence about tackle a fall marathon. Running 18 miles for Ragnar is a little bit different from running 26.2 miles.

3.)  SONO Half Marathon:  After Ragnar DC, I had plans to meet up with my vanmate and highschool friend Crissy to tackle the SONO Half Marathon.  This event is brand new to our hometown of Norwalk, Connecticut.  SONO is what us locals call the South Norwalk area.  Well, running with Crissy is always great.  She really helped me push the pace.  Last time we ran a half together I set my half marathon PR so I knew running with her would be a great challenge.  Within the first few miles, I knew she was pulling me out of my comfort zone in terms of pace.  I rarely race this way but figured, what the hell.  I need to see where my progress is with this distance.  After mile 1, I lost satellite reception and my Garmin crapped out.  Maybe this was for the best because I was completely running by feel.  I couldn’t hang with Crissy the entire way (she almost crushed our last time running together!).  I’ll share more in my recap but long story short is that I ran my fastest race in over a year coming in at 1:55.  It felt damn good.

So, with that kind of progression, maybe you are wondering, what will happen with the New York City Marathon.  Well, after talking to runners and non-runners, I’m making the super-adult decision to NOT run on November 1st.  I’m a little bit sad about not running the race because of missing out on the social aspect of it.  But, I’m actually thinking this is the smartest decision I have made for myself in terms of running in a long time.  I’m getting stronger each and every month.  I want to continue to build on my steady progress.  I know that a marathon is something I could finish with a combination of walking and running.  But to be honest, I’m not that interested in just completing the race to say that I completed the race.  IF I run another marathon, I want to know that I put my heart into my training.  I also want to give the distance the respect it deserves.  It’s a hell of a long way to put one foot in front of the other and I know the toll it will take on my body.  I’m just not in good enough shape to do it right now.  Nor, do I want to potentially hurt myself attempting to cross the finish line.

SO, that brings me to the future:

4.  Ragnar Vegas:  Talk about a last-minute decision.  A while ago, Nuun Hydration offered some spots up to Team Nuun for the Vegas event.   Since I was planning on running NYCM, I never applied.  Well, as I like to say, everything happens for a reason.  Last night a runner backed out of the relay and it just so happens to align perfectly with my work schedule and on-call rotation.  A few flight searches later and I am the newest member of Viva Los Electrolitos!  I’m so thankful that I have the most supportive husband ever!

Nuun and Vegas

5.  GORE-TEX Philadelphia Half Marathon:  Thanks to the awesome folks at GORE-TEX, I’m racing the half marathon with them the weekend before Thanksgiving!  Plus, Mar is coming too!!! Woohooo! This should finish up the 2015 race season with a bang!  Then, it’s time to figure out what 2016 will bring.

So tell me, how are you finishing up your 2015 race season?  Have you ever had to make a tough decision about a race?  Ever pull out of a major event?




  1. I love this post!!! You and I have shared similar struggles with running so it's nice to be able to do some of these events with you. Sounds like I need to run with Crissy – lol! Can't wait until Philadelphia and you are going to have such a blast in Vegas!!
    My recent post Friday Five: Things I Love

  2. You guys give me far too much credit! There is something about having a running buddy tho that helps me with my speed. I think I don't want to let my buddy down, plus running with Lisa is just fun. I'm sure your fun to run with too Mar!… can I get on the Philly train… who are these Gore-Tex people and how do I flirt with them for a bib??

  3. Debbie @ Deb Runs says:

    Ragnar Las Vegas sounds fabulous – have fun! I ran Ragnar DC (my third Ragnar) and had a blast. I was runner 12 this year and loved being able to run my team in at the end! We've already signed up for Ragnar Trail Richmond as two ultra teams; and added some more friends to make up two more regular teams. It's going to be a blast! Just hoping for no monsoons!
    My recent post Things I Love About The Blogging Community

  4. I applaud you for making a tough choice with NYCM. Can't wait to hear what your next marathon will be and in the interim you have some CRAZY fun stuff coming up! Wish I could join y'all in Philly!
    My recent post Five Things I Love

    • I wish you could join us in Philly too! Come on 😉 And, while NYCM was the right decision, it was hard to make. I'm currently having a hard time reading all the e-mails coming in from the race.

  5. Karen @ Fit in France says:

    Nice to see you back and to catch up on the news. I am sure deciding not to do the NYC marathon was a hard decision, but like you say, everything happens for a reason. Hang in there !

    • Thanks Karen! I definitely think it is the right decision but I might have to pull myself away from social media next weekend in order to make it sting a little bit less.

  6. Good for you! I’m proud of you for making the right decision for you. I think it’s really easy to get caught up in the excitement about races and sign up for a bunch without really thinking them through. Plus so many require really early registration…I’m looking at you rundisney! Kudos for doing what’s best for you!
    Christine @ We Run Disney recently posted…Five things I love – running versionMy Profile

    • Yes! I always feel like a marathon is a great idea. But, when it comes down to it, I'm just not in a place in life where I can spend as much energy on training as I would like to in order to run well. I wish more races offered deferral options closer to the event date (like runDisney) because so much can change within a few months. Good luck this weekend!!

  7. I had a horrible run at Gulf Beach (I just felt very sick and nauseous)! Congrats on the SONO Half! I really wanted to run that race but I was in PA for the Runners World Festival. Hopefully next year both races won't be on the same weekend!

    I'm running NYC in 2016! Maybe we'll see each other there is you decide to run next year!

    • Maybe there was something in the air at Gulf Beach. I felt like I had cement for legs during that race. I struggled from very early on in that race. I was invited to attend Runner's World this year but I couldn't make it work with my husband's 10 year reunion weekend at West Point. So, I opted for the hometown race instead since we are only about an hour away. Hopefully, next year I can make Runner's World since it won't conflict with family obligations! We need to meet up though, we are too close not to make it work!

  8. Great post!!

    I was at DC Ragnar too! Such fun even with the weather! Way to go!

    Good job realizing you were out of your comfort zone on your half but way to still crush it!!

    Sorry to hear about NYCM-but it sounds like you have thought about it and made a decision that was best for you!

    And them there is Another Ragnar-how awesome! Have fun.

    Enjoy the Gortex half!

    I backed out of Baltimore relay and MCM 10k knowing my knee just wouldn’t hold up to 4 weekends of running 🙁 -tough decision but the right one.

    • As runners I think we always like to power through. I mean, we can be stubborn folks sometimes, especially when you invest in a race/event. I'm glad you were happy with your decision to take care of your knee!! What races do you have coming up next?!

  9. Great job on your previous races. And sounds like you have some good ones coming up. That Vegas Ragnar sounds awesome.
    lacey@fairytalesandfitness recently posted…5 Things I’m Loving about Marathon TrainingMy Profile

  10. I am notorious for registering for events too soon and then pulling out either for training reasons or getting distracted by other events I want to do more. Excited for you to do Philly. If your travel plans bring you up ahead of time and you want to meet for dinner or something, let me know! I live just north of Philly in Bucks county – might be fun to come meet some fellow bloggers!

    • It's tough to make decisions for races so far in advance. I actually deferred my entry to NYCM last year and I only had this year to use the deferral so I signed up again. It has just taken me a whole lot longer to get back into a good rhythm with running. I will keep in mind that you are in the area! It's always nice to put faces to names!

  11. So proud of you for making adult decisions 🙂 They’re never easy, but sometimes they’re necessary. Plus now you’re going to Vegas!! I’m so jealous! Don’t forget to work a girls weekend into your calendar too.

    • With one adult decision comes an impulsive decision. Although, the Vegas plan is considerably easier on my body so I will run with it 😉 Oh yea, Jake and I were just chatting about March vacations too. We need to coordinate!!

  12. runawaybridalplanner says:

    You've done some awesome races this year!
    You are going to love Phily, I did the full and loved it. Make sure if you can to give yourself a day or two before or after to do some sightseeing, there is so much there to see and do:)
    Ragnar Las Vegas, I haven't done it, but my sister did it last year and had a great time. It really does take you through some beautiful area's!
    Good luck in your upcoming races!
    My recent post How to Be a Successful Runner

  13. Leslie @ TriathleteTreats says:

    Its always hard making tough decisions especially when you have spent money on big races!!! You will have a great time in Vegas! I'm sure you will continue to be/get stronger as time goes on! All the races happen every year!! I am jealous of Philly because that is definitely on my list one of these days!! Have fun!!!

  14. Wow, lots of great stuff in here! First of all, it takes a lot of guts to make a decision like that about NYC and I'm proud of you for making a smart one. Not many people make smart decisions about stuff like this, they get caught up in all of the excitement, so yay for you. There will be plenty more marathons!! So much fun running Ragnar Vegas!! I'm a bit jealous! I really want to run another one!
    My recent post Flourless Peanut Butter Brownies: Mighty Nut review

  15. good for you for making a difficult decision! Sounds like you are having a great time with the half distances. I'm training for my first marathon just a few weeks away.
    My recent post #takebacknovember


  1. […] Friday, I gave you a little bit of a preview about the 2015 Gulf Beach Half Marathon in my #FridayFive post.  So, head on over there if you want the quick and dirty 😉  Otherwise, hang tight because this […]

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