Friday Five: Spring Break 2016 Edition

Whenever I say the words Spring Break, images of bikinis, shots of Tequila, and exotic locales come to mind.  No, I did not venture off to Mexico for Spring Break but it was still an exciting week nonetheless.  So this week, for Mar, Courtney, and Cynthia‘s Friday Five Link-up, I’m sharing a peek into my week since it was far more exciting than my typical week at work.

Maine:  We kicked off last weekend in Maine.  It’s one of my absolute favorite places to relax with my family and get in some good quality running.


Yoga:  I’m hooked on the Freeport Yoga Company.  If you are ever in Maine for a race, you need to stop in for a yoga class at this studio – you will not be disappointed!  Back in February, I attended a Yoga for Runner’s Class with Terri Cockburn, owner of the Freeport Yoga Company.  I loved this class and took away so many fantastic ways to take care of my peroneals and feet.  When I realized that the next class would fall on Spring Break, I immediately signed up for it!  This class was just as fantastic as the last.  We had some serious glute activation going on and focused a lot on belly breathing, two incredibly important things for runners.  I honestly can’t get enough of Terri’s classes and wish I lived in Maine!


NYC:  This week, I received an awesome opportunity to head into the city for the launch of KT TAPE‘s latest products and a meet and greet interview opportunity with several Olympic Athletes, Meb Keflezighi, Kerri Walsh Jennings, Kerri Strug, and Tucker Dupree.  I’m sharing all of the details of the new products on the blog next week, so please stay tuned!

In, the meantime, I will share this spoiler – Meb and his brother, Hawi, were incredibly kind to us and Meb even agreed to take a lap with a few of us.  Talk about a unique opportunity to toe the line with greatness!  And, the fact that he is completely down to earth made our interaction even more special.


Family Time:  It’s a unique week for me since I took off 10 days from work and I’m not on-call.  This has been the perfect opportunity to hang out with Cora and schedule in some visits with family.  We spent time with Jake’s side of the family in Maine and I spent some time in Connecticut with my extended family during the week.  I loved having this extra time with everyone because our move to Kansas is coming at us like a freight train!

Work:  Speaking of Kansas, I have exciting news to report.  I had a huge phone interview on Monday with a panel of folks in Kansas.  Yesterday, I found out that I was selected for the position!  This will be a promotion and likely mean a lot of work ahead of me but I am so excited for the challenge.  Next steps are figuring out my start date – I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it will be as close to the end of Cora’s school year as possible.

Be sure to check back in next week for a full post on KT Tape‘s latest products and more about their sponsored Olympic Athletes!

Tell me, how was your week?  Is anyone else on Spring Break?  Who else has met an Olympic athlete?



  1. Omg How cool you got to meet the Olympic athletes. I would love to meet Kerri Strug. I was a gymnast when I was younger and always enjoyed watching her.
    lacey@fairytalesandfitness recently posted…How we made Super SmoothiesMy Profile

  2. what a fun and packed spring break you had!! I'm glad we were able to hang out for a portion of it 🙂 Running with Meb was a blast!
    My recent post KT Tape & Team USA!

  3. I fI were at the KT event, I don't know who I would attack (in a loving way) first. I love them ALL.
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  4. How cool that you got to meet Meb and other Olympic athletes! Living the dream!

    I'm excited to rest over spring break, but of course I have work do to, too. It never does seem to end.
    My recent post Friday Five: Spring Break!

    • So true! No rest for teachers on Spring Break. It's just a break to get caught up on grading… at least that is the way it seems for my husband who teaches.

  5. Congratulations on the job!

  6. I thought that was so cool you all got to go to this event! I'm excited to see the new products that KT Tape is coming out with! Enjoy your weekend!

    • I'm so thankful for the opportunity! I will have the post up about the new products next week. Some of them are quickly going to regularly be a part of my recovery rotation!

  7. I’m excited to try the new KTTape products! We missed each other in Maine this week! Your new promotion sounds exciting! Congrats!
    Kara {MaineGirl2Runs} recently posted…Spring/Summer Race Calendar and Discount CodesMy Profile

    • Thanks Kara! The position is going to be so fantastic – busy but in a good kind of way. I'm a little nervous about the move + taking on such a huge position. I'm just hoping it will all fall into place! I am bummed that this will take away from my plans to spend the entire summer in Maine though. I hope I can still work out flying to some of the races I signed up for in Maine!

  8. dancingtorunning says:

    The event with Meb sounds like such a cool experience! How awesome that you got to meet and interact with him!
    My recent post Friday Five – Five Things I’ll Miss About Maternity Leave

  9. Glad you had an amazing spring break! How amazing that you had the chance to run with Meb…that is amazing!!
    My recent post Slower Running

  10. Congratulations on the position! And meeting Meb!

  11. What a fun spring break. Congrats on the position!
    My recent post Friday Five – Cherry Blossom 10M/5K Tips

  12. Karen @ Fit in France says:

    I am jealous you got to spend some time in Maine ! We don't have a trip planned this year.
    Exciting that you have a new job opportunity. I regularly need new challenges at work.
    Sounds like you really enjoyed your break !
    My recent post Weekly wrap : the final countdown

    • I love spending as much time in Maine as humanly possible! Unfortunately, the new job will mean a limited amount of time there this summer, if any at all. But, I'm so very excited about the job so it will be worth it!

  13. Leslie @ TriathleteTreats says:

    What a great week!! The pictures of you and the olympic athletes on FB were so fun to see!!! can't wait to see KT's new products!
    Congrats on the new job!! Very exciting!!!
    I've met Kara Goucher a few times!!


  1. […] Meb Keflezighi:  I will admit, I was most excited to meet Meb!  As a runner, I was very interested to hear about his journey into running.  It reminded me that I need to pick up his book!  Meb also shared a bit about what it means to be an aging athletes.  He shared that his training has changed in that he needs more recovery time, stressed the importance of cross training, and discussed how nutrition is a huge piece of the puzzle.  Meb also shared a little bit behind his plan to stop running marathons competitively once he races 26 marathons.  Since Meb will also be 42 years old next year, it is a bit serendipitous that he will complete his quest at that age.  Meb is currently on #23 and Rio 2016 will be number #24.  Meb shared that NYCM is his favorite race so I suppose we will have to wait and see where he decides to run #25 and #26!  What is most impressive about Meb is his desire to give back to the running community – something he hopes to be able to focus on when he stops competitively running marathons.  I can’t wait to watch Meb in Rio!  {And Meb, thanks for taking a lap with us!} […]

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