Change is the Only Constant: Summer Update

Summer is vanishing before my eyes.  Back in April, I shared a bit about my upcoming plans in this post here.  How is it that all of that is already behind me?  It is absolutely incredible to think that I am closing in on my third month of living in Kansas.  I haven’t been very active on my blog or on social media because LIFE HAPPENS folks.  Here’s a quick rundown of the craziness of the past three months.

  • I left West Point and my family behind in order to accept a new position in Kansas.
  • Hotel life for seven weeks is not that glorious. It gets old pretty quickly.
  • My family joined me and we moved into our house at the end of June.  YAY!
  • The new job is so overwhelming that I feel like my hair is on fire until I leave the building every day; yet, I am thankful for the experience to serve these families.
  • Running in Kansas is hard.  It’s hot and I like to whine about feeling as though I will melt into the pavement.  I dreamed of the moment that I would be reunited with my treadmill for weeks on end.
  • Wait for it….{it = furniture/our entire life in boxes (aka Household goods for you military peeps}…..
  • Wait some more…..
  • Take a mini birthday vacation/celebration to San Diego for the Road Runner Classic to relax.
  • Still waiting….
  • And, on July 30, months after leaving New York, we were reunited with our household goods.  I am still scratching my head as to how the Army can ask folks to move to a location for a year and then hold their household goods hostage for months on end.  But, don’t worry folks! We get to have this fun all over again next summer!  {Insert sarcasm.}  Weee!!!

So, as you can see, I’m trying to rebound from the chaos of this summer.   We are slowly coming into our new normal.  And, tonight, we made our first homemade Sunday dinner in too long to remember.  Plus, in super exciting news, we are down to only two sealed boxes.  Considering I work full time and we just received the shipment of our household goods last weekend, I call that a huge ass victory!

Now, back to regularly scheduled RUNNING.  I fell off the bandwagon HARD.  Hopefully, getting my act together with blogging will also help keep me accountable through the fall.  After all, that is why I stared this whole blogging thing years ago!  Time to find my groove.  Oh, and I really need to recap my summer running and races!

How is your summer going?  Who has kiddos heading back to school? Anything new and exciting going on.  I have not kept up with my blogging friends as well as I normally do when life is slightly less exhausting.


  1. YAY!!!!! so glad to see things have settled down for you. Gosh is it almost fall already? Time is flying. We need a mid west race! 😉
    Mar @ Mar on the Run recently posted…DC Fitness: LavaBarreMy Profile


  1. […] I feel as though, I just wrote a post about moving and settling into a new location.  Oh wait, I did!  Just last summer, we relocated from New York to Kansas.  And, this summer we moved from Kansas […]

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