Marathon Training: Week 12

Week 12 is in the books!  Just a few weeks left until the big day! MON:  Rest TUES:  3 Miles WED:  Rest THURS:  Cora’s Birthday!  No running happened… Cupcakes did!  🙂 FRI: 6 Miles SAT: Rest SUN: 20 Miles This week was definitely a confidence booster headed into Marine Corps Marathon.  I ran my very first twenty miler.  For me, getting over the mental hurdle of running twenty miles was HUGE. Hurdle #1:  Getting out the door.  The support from {Read More}

Marathon Training: Week 11

Okay, so if you follow this blog closely, you might have realized that there were no weekly training logs for Week 8, 9, or 10.  Hood to Coast hit and I will blame that for my lack of weekly marathon updates.  Don’t worry, I didn’t take three weeks off… I just had a very busy couple of weeks racing! Week #8 of training included the epic Hood to Coast relay with Nuun Hydration. Week #9 of training was spent running {Read More}