Disclaimer: I am currently a Race Ambassador for the Craft Classic Race Series and an Affiliate for Road Runner Sports. This post contains affiliate links for Road Runner Sports. Last week, I shared a little bit about the current state of my life and running. Now that the move is on the horizon, I’m excited to have something other than moving boxes and a new job to focus on in the upcoming months. Having a race on the calendar also {Read More}
Change is the only constant.
April 29, 2016 by 13 Comments
Currently, I’m trying to convince myself that we all grow through change. I’m trying to embrace change even though I hate it. You see, I am about three weeks out from moving half way across the country again. Yes, again. Yet, this time, I am moving half way across the country ahead of my husband and daughter by several weeks. And, this big life change is coming at me like a freight train. To back this bus up, since I {Read More}