After my first marathon in October, I was exhausted. Training took a lot out of me physically and emotionally. After Marine Corps Marathon, I was so burnt out that I stopped running for about 8 weeks after the race. I just wanted more time to relax, sleep in, and enjoy the holidays and my family without having to lace up during every free moment. Plus, my body was pretty worn out. I wasn’t injured after Marine Corps but my hips {Read More}
Solo or Social?
Since my re-entry into the world of running, I would consider myself a solo running. I enjoy the solitude, the quiet time just for me. But, there were a few time last year when I started to wonder if maybe running with a partner or with a group was something that I could do. I inadvertantly ran with Kara at the L.L.Bean 10k and the Beach 2 Beacon 10k. I really enjoyed the light chatting and having someone by my side to help me tough {Read More}
Marathon Training: Week #7
Marathon Training Week #7 felt much better than Week #6 but wanted to take it pretty easy with Hood to Coast happening next weekend! Next week (Week #8) was supposed to be a cut-back week but I ended up swapping that to this week (Week #7) instead because of my race commitments. All in all, I am happy with the week despite the extra rest. MON: REST TUES: 2 Miles WED: 30 Minutes Elliptical and Core THURS: 6 Miles FRI: {Read More}
Running Recap 4/8/12 – 4/14/12
After the Bunny Boogie 3 Miler last Saturday, I decided to take Easter Sunday off and enjoy the time with my family. We got back home to Maryland on Monday and I got back into the groove on Tuesday. TuesdayMile: 5Time: 45:44Pace: 9:08 ThursdayMile: 4Time: 34:39Pace: 8:40 SaturdayMile: 3.5Time: 30:39Pace: 8:45 After looking at the calendar this week, I realize I need to get in gear for my next half! Zooma Annapolis is quickly approaching – only 7 weeks left! {Read More}