Laser Hair Removal Prep & My Tria Update

Disclaimer: I received the Hair Removal Laser Precision for review from Tria Beauty. I received no additional compensation. These are my thoughts and opinions on the hair removal process with Tria.

Tria Beauty

With one week until Spring Break here at West Point, I thought I would give you all an update on my progress with Tria Beauty! To get you caught up to speed, here is my last post on the Hair Removal Laser Precision. After sharing my initial thoughts on getting started with Tria Beauty, I received a message from a friend, also experiencing the lovely hairy upper lip {thanks Italian heritage}. With her questions in mind, I thought I would share more information about prepping for the Tria treatments.

Tria Beauty Instructions

Once you decide to use the Tria, you need to stop waxing or tweezing a given area. For my friend, the thought of having to let her upper lip grow out was a little surprising. Then, when I told her that you needed to shave the area before using the Hair Removal Laser Precision, she sounded even more apprehensive. And, I totally get it. I too was worried about having to shave my upper lip. But, now that I am committed to the process, it really doesn’t bother me at all. Tria Laser will target the dark pigment in the hair follicle below the skin’s surface and disable the follicle.  Shaving the area also reduces discomfort in the targeted area.  

Before using the laser on the treatment area, I would recommend applying the Smoothstart Calming Gel. After trying the treatments with and without the Calming Gel, I highly recommend using the gel to keep skin cool and comfortable. It really does help to make the sensation of the laser a little less intense. Most importantly, I noticed that my skin did not seem red or irritated from the laser as long as I used the Smoothstart Calming Gel.

The device itself is very easy to use. Once you turn the Tria system on, it engages once you press it against your skin. With each beep, you have successfully triggered the laser. Once you hear the beep, you lift and press down on a new spot. You then continue to repeat this process over the targeted area. If the device is not even on the surface of your skin, it will not engage the laser. Also, if your skin color in a given area is not ideal for the Tria, you will not be able to get the device to work. The process goes very quickly on small areas such as your armpits or your upper lip. According to Tria’s guide, users will ideally apply the laser on the highest setting every two weeks in order to achieve the best results.

Tria Beauty

Now, an update on my experience with the Tria! When I started this process in December, I was optimistic that I would no longer need to shave my armpits and my lovely lady mustache by this time of year. However, this process is taking a little bit longer than I anticipated. And, I think that the length of time it is taking to see results is due to two things. First, I ended up doing the treatments every three weeks instead of every two weeks. I am not the best at remembering to do the treatment every two weeks. Now that I am back on track, I set a reminder on my phone to prevent this from happening again. The second reason I think it is taking a bit longer is because I do not turn up the strength of the laser. Sometimes I find that my skin is more sensitive than other so I have only gone so far as level two of three. According to the instructions, if I ramped things up, I would see faster results. For me, it’s okay that it is taking a little bit longer. As I mentioned before, I would rather complete more sessions at a lesser intensity to see the results. So, despite things taking a little bit longer than hoped, there is progress! I’m curious to see how this plays out in future months. I’m definitely looking forward to being able to toss on my running clothes at a moments notice and not worry about whether or not I shaved!

If you have any questions about laser hair removal prep or the Hair Removal Laser Precision, I would be happy to answer them. Feel free to comment below! I’m sure you have some kind of questions about the process, especially if you are truly thinking of making an investment in Tria Beauty.


Disclaimer: I received the Hair Removal Laser Precision for review from Tria Beauty. I received no additional compensation. These are my thoughts and opinions on the hair removal process with Tria.


  1. Your Italian friend is still apprehensive to drop the dough on this bad boy…but I appreciate the follow up 🙂

  2. I have wanted to buy a laser hair removal system for home use so I will look forward to future updates.

    Thanks for being a guinea pig!
    My recent post Registering for Your Ironman

    • For us athletes, I think that it is perfect! Since laser hair removal is so darn expensive, this is a much cheaper way to get it done. I plan on doing another follow up post within a month. I will keep you posted!

  3. This is really interesting. I have often thought about laser hair removal treatments for underarms and bikini line, but end up being too busy to actually check it out and schedule anything. A home removal system reduces that complexity, although you point out some good things to think about in terms of pain tolerance and remembering to complete the treatments.
    My recent post Friday Five: 5 Key Bike Workouts

    • Yes, I would probably never go and have this done at a treatment center so I like that I can do it in the privacy of my own home. But, I need to stick to a routine and my goal is to set that darn reminder on my phone to make it happen.

  4. Glad to hear that it is slowly working. For me I love a quick fix so I don’t think I could keep being patient and do the process every couple weeks. recently posted…A Peek in Our WeekMy Profile

  5. I’m not sure that I want to spend so much money but I definitely think that its awesome that it’s been a good experience with it! I have been looking into laser hair removal for a while and this is so helpful! Thanks for sharing!

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