Holiday Gift Guide & Giveaway!

After a year of ups and downs in running, I feel like my holiday gift guide truly reflects my favorite items of 2014.  You can definitely tell that while I still enjoy running, recovery has become a really important part of my year. And, if you are like me, you still have a whole lot of shopping to do with not a lot of time left!  So, for the athlete in your life, here are some of my personal favorites! 1.  Bombas {Read More}

Review and Giveaway: Scott James Jewelry

Disclaimer:  As a ZOOMA Annapolis race ambassador, Scott James Jewelry provided me with an item of my choice in exchange for a review.  All opinions are my own. Back in April, I ran the Ragnar SoCal relay.  At one of the major exchanges, a few of my van teammates decided to check out some of the vendors.  One of those vendors was Scott James Jewelry.  They had beautiful sterling silver Ragnar specific charms with each race location and the Ragnar emblem.  Our {Read More}